How to play RTSP video stream of IP cameras on VLC player

Almost IP surveillance cameras support RTSP video stream, that means user can use media player to watch the live video from anywhere. RTSP is the abbreviation of real time streaming protocol, it's a network control protocol designed for use in entertainment and communications systems to control streaming media servers. The protocol is used for establishing and controlling media sessions between end points. This article describes how to play RTSP video stream of IP cameras on VLC player, QuickTime player, and a mobile phone with popular IP camera viewer App.
VLC player and QuickTime player are free media players that support cross-platforms (Windows OS, Mac OS), these two media players have capability to play most multimedia files and various streaming protocols.

Users can use VLC player and QuickTime player to watch live video/image, also view the information of codec detail for MJPEG/MPEG4/H.264 which supports RTSP protocol.

Additionally, user also can find smartphone App which supports RTSP protocol. Using the Smartphone App, user can watch live video streams easily through smartphone from anywhere, anytime.

#1 Download & Install VLC Player / SMPlayer

Both media players are free to download, install and use. You can go to the media player official websites to download the latest version software, then install in your computer.
VLC player : Download and install VLC Player from

#2 RTSP URL Setting

Before using the RTSP protocol, you need to know your IP camera's RTSP URL setting. The URL is an IP address with port and authorization information (user name + password). All available RTSP URL formats for IP cameras are listed in table below. Please select the suitable one according to model of camera under testing, with “IP Camera address” being replaced by your dedicated IP address number. If you can't find port information, the default RTSP port number is 554.

Camera ModelRTSP URL
Hipcam 1080P, C6F0SeZ0N0P3L0, C9F0SEZ0N0P0L0, Others

rtsp://admin:admin@8IP Camera address/1


rtsp://IP Camera address:8557/h264 for Primary stream
rtsp://IP Camera address:554/mpeg4 for Primary stream
rtsp://IP Camera address:8555/mjpeg for Primary stream
rtsp://IP Camera address:8556/h264 for Secondary stream
rtsp://IP Camera address:8554/mpeg4 for Secondary stream
rtsp://IP Camera address:8558/mjpeg for Third stream

NDR720/NCB750/NCR770/NDR721/NDR722/NCB 752/NCR772/NIC990/SPD970/PTZ900/NCB358/N CB355/NCR368/NCR365/NOD398/NOD395/NOD3 85/NID338/NID335/NID325/NID321/UFD305/UF D301  rtsp://IP Camera address/stream1 for stream1
rtsp://IP Camera address/stream2 for stream2
rtsp://IP Camera address/stream3 for stream3 
 NCC700/NDZ760 rtsp://IP Camera address:554/h264/quad/media.amp
rtsp://IP Camera address:554/mjpeg/quad/media.amp 
Meriva Technology n9000
Server: TVT RTSP Server/1.0.0
For camera: rtsp://admin:123456@IP-Camera-address:554/profile1
For nvr/dvr: rtsp://admin:123456@IP-Camera address:554/chID=1

If you no found you link for obtain it you can use nmap comand of linux:

nmap -v --script rtsp-url-brute -p  IP-Camera-address

3. Open Network Stream

Open VLC player and select “Open Network Stream” from the Media menu.

4. Enter a network URL

Type the network URL in the dialog box below, and then click Play to play the video with RTSP stream. Refer to Sec. RTSP URL Setting above for URL setting format for Messoa IP cameras.

5. Watch Live Stream

After click "Play", you will see the RTSP live video stream on VLC player.

How to play RTSP stream with IP camera viewer apps

1. Download and run app on your smart phone

2. Enter URL

Please refer to Sec. RTSP URL Setting above for URL setting format for Messao IP cameras.

3. Enter Messoa camera’s account/password. The default is admin/1234

4. After that, the app can get RTSP video stream from Messoa IP camera.



shodan searchs:




Server: Hipcam RealServer/V1.0
